Yanyun Tasting Box

Rou Gui is one of the most popular yanchas and for good reason. It’s considered the best cultivar to express the so called “Yan Yun” flavor, “the melody of the cliffs”, a special flavor that tea grown in certain terroir of Wuyi mountains acquire.

The richness of flavors of Rougui makes its taste vary a lot depending on terroir and processing. Here in this box there are samples of Rougui teas from different locations of Wuyishan and different production style. This box can be used as a discovery tool for those who want to better understand what is the Yanyun flavor or be like a nice collection of extremely good teas to taste.

If you are looking to discover the yanyun flavor I strongly suggest to get at least one can of Rougui 2021 to drink as a reference of a clean Rougui flavor. To compare that one with any of these is in our opinion the best way to understand these teas. If it’s all a bit confusing and bizarre remember that this box is just a taste, the more you drink the more clear yanyun flavor will be.

The selection and price of the box varies depending on availability so check this page before buying.

We recommend to save the very first brew of these teas to drink as last when cooled down, this way the yanyun flavor become the most obvious and easy to see.

12g Tiger Style Zhengyan Rougui 2019

12g Sanyangfeng Zhengyan Rougui 2021

12g Gemstone Zhengyan Rougui 2021


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